Illuminated Street Signs

Illuminated Street Sign Kits
SA-SO's MUTCD-compliant Illuminated Street Sign Kit is a single-sided ultra lightweight sign kit, weighing a fraction of comparable products. The sign's LED lights meet IP68 outdoor rating and are specifically designed for outdoor illumination.
Illuminated Street Sign Kit Includes:
- Complete Frame with Lights and Power Cord
- One Unattached End Cap with Screws
- White, Reflective Polycarbonate Sign
Please note: Mounting hardware can be purchased separately. Choose from:
- Overhead Adjustable Mounting Bracket
- Overhead Fixed (non-adjustable) Mounting Bracket
Description | Part No. |
Illuminated Street Sign Kit | ISS4S 18 - 4' x 18" ISS6S 18 - 6' x 18" ISS8S 18 - 8' x 18" ISS10S 18 - 10' x 18" |

Street Signs
SA-SO manufactured street nameplates meet the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements and specifications. SA-SO helps you clearly show the street names within your community, and we also carry a wide assortment of sign accessories as well.
Street Nameplates
- Durable, corrosion-resistant .080 aluminum
- Lettering is white reflective on green or blue colored plate
- Meets current MUTCD requirements and specifications
- Plate width is determined by the wording length
Description | Part No. |
6" SEG Reflective | 45132 |
6" High Intensity | 45132HI |
9" SEG Reflective | 45127 |
9" High Intensity | 45127HI |
SEG Reflective Sign Topper | 45140 |

Part No, 45132 / 45132HI

Part No. 45127 / 45127HI

Part No. 45140